A Prayer to understand and appreciate the Father’s Love towards us.
My Lord, My God! You’ve been my dwelling place from generation to generation. You neither change nor decay. You’re glorious and there is no shadow of turning with you. You remain the same forever and ever. You deserve all my praise, attention, strength, time, and everything I have.
You’re clothed in majesty, purity, righteousness, and justice. The lofty created angel pales into insignificance in comparison with you. The Sun, Moon, and the stars glorify you even though they cannot utter speech. They showcase your handiwork, your wisdom, and your loving concern for your creatures.
My Father! There has never been a time in the eternity past when the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit were not united in love. You’re the very source and foundation of love. In your love, there isn’t a tiniest hint of impurity. It’s a love of infinite purity in nature. And, your love is supremely expressed in the crucifixion of Your Holy Son Jesus Christ.
My Father, I wonder what would have motivated you to love rebels such as I? My Lord! My God! I do not deserve your love. I deserve your perfect justice. I deserve your perfect wrath. I deserve to be lost, judged, and ultimately cast in hell forever: away from any comfort, any love, and divine fellowship.
Considering my inherent sin that I inherited from my forefather Adam and the countless sins I committed against you, I deserve to be tormented in hell forever.
Because I am consciously aware of every single sin I committed against you, I can never say that you’re unjust. Like David said, against you only, have I committed my sin.
But My God! My Lord! You did not leave me in my sins and trespasses. You knew me before the foundations of the world. You sent your Holy Son for me. Jesus came after me. He searched for me and found me. He found me when I was in the gutter of utter sinfulness, rebellion, and unbelief.
Oh! How I tried to get out from the gutter myself but I couldn’t do it. All my efforts to rescue myself have been in vain. But You stretched out Your mighty arm. You pulled me up. You showed me that Jesus came to die for me on the cross. He took my sin, curse, guilt, and my shame upon himself. The one who knew no sin was counted as sin.
If that is not enough, he absorbed God’s just and infinite anger. He jumped from the holy hill of heaven into the ocean of God’s anger, only to rescue me. I wonder why he did that. I can ponder on it forever but I will never be able to fathom the depths of your wisdom. As I turned the scriptures, I found the answer.
The Bible says, “... God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life”.
My Holy Father! now, I understand a tiny bit that your holy love is there behind me in choosing me, saving me, and glorifying me. Now that I’ve received such love, what am I supposed to do? Father, will you allow me to be your slave, your bond servant only to proclaim the good news of this divine love as long as I live? Father, help me to love you with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. I offer this prayer in the name of Your Holy Son Jesus Christ. Amen.