Alabaster Soul Care:
God is the living fountain of endless joy. He created human beings in his image. However, everything turned upside down, when sin entered the world. Sin has polluted all our faculties. Now, living in a world that is corrupted by sin, life becomes a burdensome chore and a complicated journey of heartache, pain, and suffering. In a world where experiencing true joy becomes elusive and distant, Lord Jesus who is the light of the world, offers faith to the skeptic, hope to the downcast, and help to the weak.
At Alabaster Soul Care we believe that the lamb of God, Jesus Christ transforms our lives by the power of the gospel and God’s word sufficiently addresses the manifold problems people suffer from. Our job at Alabaster Soul Care is to point to the one who gives grace to each one who comes to him and relies upon him. We want to embody the incarnation love of Jesus to those who are broken, wounded, and weary.
Alabaster Soul Care provides free resources such as blog posts, podcasts, and videos to encourage the struggler. By partnering with local churches, we want to connect those who are struggling with the church and equip the church to minister to them in the long haul.